Digital Board - The Ultimate Tool For Teaching and Learning
Since many years writing on the black board by the teacher was integral to class room teaching. It was painful to the teacher and boring to the students. The time has come to enhance classroom learning by switching to
interactive Digital Board loaded with syllabus specific 2D & 3D Animated Content.
A Single Board is capable of hosting the curriculum of different subjects of multiple grades making it easier for teachers as well as students.
Benefits of Digital Boards:
- Beneficial for both students as well as teachers..
- Lessons can be reiterated multiple times without teachers having to waste time on drawing
diagrams repetitively.
- No major change in the teaching methodology other than the installation of Digital boards.
- Digital boards are not an alternative for classroom learning, rather they aid in better classroom experience.
- The regular teacher with whom the students already share a bond will not be replaced.
- Digital boards are loaded with highly researched content which will be updated at regular intervals in accordance with the syllabus.
- Customized 2D, 3D animations aid teachers in presenting their subjects effectively.
- The process of teaching and learning becomes interactive and fun.
- Digital boards provide high quality visual stimulations which effectively grabs the attention of students.
- Adaptability for both online & offline teaching.
- Strengthens the cognitive processes of thinking, reasoning, problem-solving, decision making, and creativity of the students.
Join us and be part of Digital Revolution:
My Village School is a direct bridge towards the upliftment of underprivileged students. We are open to contributions in the form of sponsoring digital boards.Partial sponsorships are also accepted wherein contributions from multiple donors are added_up to raise the amount for one board.
Donors are provided with the flexibility to choose from an extensive list of government schools. Each donor can donate any number of boards.
Every Donor will be presented with a unique ID post making any contribution. This ID can be utilized to stay updated about the impact created with their support.